Covid 19
We hope that you, and you family and friends are safe and well.
As the Covid-19 situation evolves, these continues to be unprecedented times and it is clear that this is having a massive impact on our day-to-day living.

1.Drop-in – Remotely
Our telephone line remains open (Monday – Saturday 9:am – 6:pm) + on-call service to providing:
Advice and Guidance
Beneficiaries will continue to access multilingual information, advice and guidance sessions remotely. We will continue to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information on social media platforms around the pandemic,
– on what you need to do to stay safe and where you can get help and support from a source that we know.

CAM office remains closed, but all is not lost. We’re working remotely, determined to help you, our community members, through this difficult period. We are available when you need us and will do everything we can, especially to help those who are more vulnerable at this time.
We deliver specific activities to support our communities through this crisis and to ensure we remain as resilient as possible moving forward post virus:
Social support
– Counselling – Emotional and mental health well-being support;
– Stay connected with most vulnerable beneficiaries providing telephone support/friendship (email, phone calls, group WhatsApp, Facebook or develop online activities to help reduce isolation).
– Financial Inclusion – Provide practical help to people who are struggling financially, help them file unemployment/ universal credit change of circumstance, completing benefit application, including guidance on benefits and entitlements available and debt advice.

2. Practical support
(7/week – as and when needed)
– Provision & Delivery of food and essential supplies (Food/care package delivery to your families- drop shopping, medication), if necessary / initially but not exclusively for vulnerable people self-isolating
– We will continue to offer bookable telephone and Zoom chats for people struggling with isolation and loneliness including our staff and volunteers

3. Advocacy services
We will continue to facilitate access to professionals during the crisis (eg. Immigration, food banks, Domestic violence support, urgent medical attention and health support, benefits and debt advice, crime and safety etc…) providing translation and interpretation in French (including Lingala, Swahili, Kikongo and Swahili) and Hispanic languages, as usual.
For our most up-to-date information, please visit www.congomerseyside.org.uk. Stay connected with us by our Facebook page (CAM Congomerseyside) for information in English, French and Portuguese.
And pin in messages to our Facebook page for signposting (should you need to get support with key services, and as always you can get in touch with us for a chat, if you have any question.
In case of emergency, please contact us on 0151 345 6913 or 07438496383
We miss you all, hope to see you soon,